Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I'm Just Tired

I was a bit stressed out these past few weeks. No reason in particular, just life and all that comes with it. Because of this, I've started to notice little red flags, I was misspelling things, I was using the wrong words...and I brushed those things off as just having a bad day but I can't and shouldn't do that.
This is a lesson, not only for me but a reminder for all of us. If you don't feel well, pause, look at your symptoms, is it just stress? Could it be something bigger?
I've been keeping track of my health since then and thankfully, it seems my bad stretch has ended. My boyfriend told me I should go to the doctor and I know I should have, just to be on the safe side, but...I was scared. I don't usually get scared but yeah, I was scared and I let that get the best of me and I didn't go. Again, thankfully I am ok but I shouldn't be fearful, not when I know what fear and denial can do. Even typing that out, "I was scared", is not something I am proud of admitting. We shouldn't let fear and denial keep us from preventing something from happening to us. Health is precious and as I get older, I'm holding that closer and closer to my heart.
So today, I wish you awareness, I wish you energy to get you more in tune with your body. I wish you good health.
How are you doing?