Tuesday, October 17, 2017

To Take Or Not To Take

To take or not to take medicine when you have a cold; that is the question.
Since the stroke, I have tried to not take medicine for things unless I'm really really sick. I don't like putting anything in my body that can cause any side effect. I don't care if the side effect is nausea, dizziness, or sleepiness. I don't want it, don't want to risk it, don't want to have anything to do with it.
Of course, when you have a cold, that can go out the window, especially when it's a bad cold.

I remember a few months post stroke, I got the flu. Correction, I got the flu when I had tickets to see Prince and I ended up not being able to go because I had the damn flu. I MISSED PRINCE! I'm still not over that. Anywho, even though I was suffering something awful, I didn't want to take any medicine. I was so scared that something else would happen to me, something worse than the feeling I got knowing I had to miss Prince. Eventually I broke and took Tylenol and of course, nothing happened to me other than peaceful slumber and my fever breaking.

I have the same fear right now though. I have the fear that something really bad will happen. I mean, how can I not especially when there is a long list of what could  happen if you take this medication. I go through the pros and cons of what would happen if I took said pills and think about how bad I'm feeling. Is the risk worth it? Of course the answer for me is yes, Eljon. You've taking these pills before. You're fine...but wait, you took those other pills before too and you were fine. You were until you weren't. It's this banter that plays in my head every time I feel sick. The script is always the same and 6 times out of 10, I end up taking the pills. What do you think won today?

Be well.

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