Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Your Name Is Brian, Right?

So, I keep forgetting things...especially when I first meet people.  If you tell me your name and I'm just meeting you, trust and believe that I will forget what your name is 5 minutes from then.  And when I do realize that I have Memento and have forgotten, I'll always think your name is Brian. 

I don't know why Brian pops into my head but it does.  With girls, it tends to be whatever pops in my head but I always believe that if you're a dude, your name is Brian.  This has become ridiculously funny to me now.

Last week, I met this dude and minutes later he was like "What's my name?" and I said uhhhh Brian? Then he proceeded to remind me of his name every 5 minutes.  Man, this isn't helping me remember your name, this is just causing me to kind of hate you so if you see me and I call you Brian, correct me once, not every 5 minutes.  I will log your face in my brain and definitely remember I don't like you! :)


  1. so it's only new things that you forget, right? cause you remember me...right? =)

  2. Duh, evil Janice of course I remember youuuuu! New things I sometimes have ish with. I love you!

  3. I love you too. By the way, I put you in the links section of by blog. You don't mind, right?

  4. I mean "my" blog. I love how blogger gives me the chance to proofread and I still mess it up.

  5. That's awesome! Thanks! Yes, blogger is the shizzy.
